Wednesday 23 July 2008

Tempus Fugit

I can't believe how long it is since I last posted. In theory that means I should have something to say, but in practice.....?

Last Saturday we went to GoApe in Thetford. It was great fun but quite hard work - it was also dark by the time we finished which added to the challenge. I could definitely feel it for a few days afterwards though as the odd muscle complained. On Sunday we went to see WALL-E which was also fun (if rather different) - a great movie for the kids, although we were all grown-ups. Over the course of the weekend I also discovered that my husband has the nick-name 'Tart' within this particular group of friend - not quite sure how I feel about that one!

Work continues as ever. It has been quieter than sometimes over the last couple of weeks, probably because the boss is on holiday, but I'm sure I will soon be manic again. Elinor (from work) had her baby last Friday, and Linda (not from work) had hers on Monday: two more bouncing baby boys. Elinor forwarded a VERY cute picture of her big boy (2 years old) holding her little boy.

This Friday, my sister, brother-in-law, and nephew are coming to stay: I'm then taking them to the airport on Saturday. Will be lovely to see them, but I need to go an sort out the house .....

Monday 7 July 2008

Another week

Had a good (but busy) weekend. Went to Mum and Dad's on Saturday for a leaving party for Pip and Stu. They don't yet know when they'll be going away, but they will at some stage so various Aunts, Uncles and Cousins were collected. It was fairly chaotic, but still fun and the weather stayed fine which was good since we were out in the garden.
Weather wasn't so good yesterday for the church cricket match - I went with Jayne to deliver the tea but didn't stay around to watch. Being a philistine, I only watch live cricket if it's sunny and I can read a book or do some knitting at the same time.
I have cut out the fabric for my new dress and discovered that I do have some needles for sewing stretch fabric with the machine. I just hope that the fabric has sufficient stretch - otherwise I won't be able to get the dress on. It's quite green but hopefully it will come out alright. I also managed to get thread and interfacing today. Easier to do dress making when you actually have thread!
Off home now to start stitching before music practice ...