Sunday 26 October 2008

... And Back To Work

Slows the knitting right back down again. However, I am making progress with the shawl (I did take piccies yesterday, but haven't got them on the PC yet). The Clessidra socks are a bit on the back burner. Then yesterday, I made a dumpling bag. I love it. Did the whole thing in a day (apart from sewing on the snap, but I don't think that counts). As soon as the 9mm dpns I'd ordered came through the letter box, I was helpless.

Other than that, I have swatched for a Ce'Ce cardigan. Although the yarn is thinner than it's supposed to be, I am getting stitch gauge with a little extra length (not much) but it's making the lace look holey. I can't decide whether to go down a needle size and up a pattern size or whether to leave as is - but I'm not going to start on this one yet anyway.

In other news, I'm feeling very pleased with myself having got the Christmas shopping well underway. I suspect I will be less smug when I look at my credit card bill!

Thursday 16 October 2008

A Week Off Work ....

.... leads to lots of knitting.
Clessidera isn't making much progress but I have done Pip's Harlot poncho - I used the Mission Falls 1824 wool (3 balls Thyme, 1 ball Denim, 1 ball Cornflower). I'm really pleased with how it has come out and I hope she likes it too.

I have also finished Fascination - blocked and every thing (round my neck at the moment).
Which means I have also made a start on the Shetland Shawl - it's going better this time (so far!). I have switched to straights for the time being as the circ was too long and annoying me. I had to buy 5mm straights. How is it I can have about 3 pairs of 5.5mm and NO 5mm? I'm also busy planning lots more projects, but that's it for now .....

Tuesday 14 October 2008

Stash growth

Originally uploaded by jmkdaykin
Hah - I went yarn shopping today. My plan was to buy Mission Falls 1824 wool to knit a Very Harlot Poncho for my sister. I succeeded but then things overtook me.....

So we have-
2 skeins of KPPPM in a gorgeous variegated orange / peach (strange since I don't like orange).
4 balls of Misti Alpaca Suri/Silk DK in dark green which I think are destine to become a Swallowtail
1 ball of Misti Alpace 2 ply lace in bright red
6 balls of Artesano DK in dark blue to make Knee High walking socks for Dad
5 balls of the Mission Falls, 4 of which are incorporated into the heap on the right hand side of the picture
1 kit for knitting a dumpling bag - got home and realised I don't have the pattern, I'll worry about that later.

Meantime Fascination has progress well and Clessidra are going slow.

Monday 13 October 2008

The Minds of Teenage Boys

I just had a very strange experience. I was sitting here knitting and reading blogs (more later) when the doorbell rang. I went to the door and was met by a very polite young man (I would guess around 15 or so) asking whether he could borrow a spanner as his bike had just broken. I went round and opened up the garage and after some searching, found a socket set - note to self, next time, open it flat on the floor.

I proceed to fit all the sockets back in their appointed slots while the young man, whose name may have been Greg attempted to mend the bike. During this time, he mentioned it actually wasn't his bike, it was his friend's - and friend would be reappearing shortly.

In due course, friend did reappear at which point it became apparent that the bike wasn't friend's - it was friend's dad's. Furthermore, once the rear wheel was reattached, it became clear that same rear wheel was somewhat buckled (the periodic rubbing against the brake blocks gave it away). They then proceeded to argue about whose fault it was and who was going to be in trouble with 'Dad' and what other bike they might be able to canibalise a wheel from (whether front or rear didn't seem to matter, and it may have involved a bent axle....), before one of them said:

"We should go and argue in peace, leaving these lovely people in peace" - although I could only see one of me, as it were, it has to be said that they were both pleasant, polite (except possibly to one another, and even then they weren't unduly rude) and articulate, and generally restored my faith in the 'young people of today'. I must be getting old, but it's still encouraging when all you typically see is kids on the news stabbing one another.

Thursday 9 October 2008

See - once a week!

Hurrah - as promised my second weekly post.

This week has been manic workwise which means that little else has happened. Having had a really fruitful knitting weekend, I have done practically nothing since. Except, well, yesterday. I got up at 5.20. I was in work at just gone 6. I finished work at 7.30, faffed for a bit and made it home by 8.30. Then I knit. I worked on my secret project for a bit, but I was aware that my ability to count to 2 had deserted me, so I stopped. I thought about doing some of Fascination, but that requires more concentration so, no, I was sensible and left it in the bag.

At that point, common sense deserted me - I cast on my Shetland Lace Shawl. The one I'm not supposed to be starting yet. The one that is really quite tricky and required me to count to 4 (I failed). I did manage 50 rows of it (this isn't a big achievement as to start with there are only 2 stitches to the row). Then I looked at it. The stitch marker appeared to have caused laddering. The cables / twists appeared to have led to laddering. By this stage it was nearly midnight and I really wasn't interested in the US presidential debate playing to itself in the background. I went to bed.

This morning, before leaving for work, I frogged. When I am awake; when I have progressed further with Fascination; when I have acquired a cable needle in something approaching the gauge at which I am working, THEN I will start the Shetland Lace Shawl. Honest!

Friday 3 October 2008

Once a week

OK, so I'm rubbish at posting on this blog regularly! So far I seem to have managed about one post per month. But I'm going to improve - really! I'm going to try to post once a week. (We'll see how long that lasts - if it's anything like my teenage diaries, it'll be about twice.)

So, this week I went to my first ever knit night. Having discovered the Reading Berkshire group on Ravelry, I went to Sticks and Strings at the Global Cafe. I had great fun and met some very clever, creative knitters. I took Fascination, but only did one pattern repeat before I decided that trying to knit lace whilst chatting to people I'd never met before wasn't going to work: I switched to Pip's Loops which are progressing well (onto the foot of the second sock).

I am expecting yarn. Yeay. I have ordered some lovely stuff, but it is for my SoSeSaSwa, so no more about that here. I have also ordered some Shetland Laceweight to knit my shawl. This is going to be a big project. My Dad knitted this shawl when I was a baby. I have inherited the pattern (it was going to be thrown away in a house move but I snaffled it) and now I want a go. It's knitted in the traditional manner with centre, edge and border and I've ordered what I hope will be a pretty pale grey. Very exciting - but a huge challenge. The upside is that when Dad made his he built a blocking frame with tacks in to pull out all the points - I just hope he still has it.

Anyway - to work, to work. If I can ever pursuade my camera to start downloading to the computer, I will be able to add piccies!